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January 30, 2011

what is life?

yeah, life is too short to be waste..
life kena mencabar, baru la dnamakan life..
nie sket pon xde adventure sket pon.. xbes la..
and believe, stiap yg berlaku, ade je reason dy,
just take negative , positive that matter and think, satu ari nnti msti dtg kebaikannye tok stiap mslah..
nak hidup tnpa mslah?
ssah kot nak hdup tnpa mslah, kite mnusia la, bkn nye malaikat..
kita xkan pernah smpurna tp ingt ssngguhnye kita nie sbaik2 ciptaanNYA.
just be cruel positive to make through your life..
hdup nie kdg2 kala happy, tp bnyknye ssah lg..
tapi, redha jew,
sbb ingt point nie jew,
ALLAH swt xkan mnduga hmbaNYA d luar kmampuan hmbaNYA..
dan jgn pernah slahkan takdir,
dosa besar kot.. agak2 la klu frust pon, takdir xprnah slah,
just time tue bad luck kite, tue jew..
ingat satu jew, hidup nie hnya skali,
walau apa pon terjadi, just tempuh..
jgn down sgt. Ingt, bkn kita sorg jew ade mslah, org lain gak pon ade mslah..
insya allah, you'll find your way..

January 27, 2011

dream high korea drama !

the new and latest kpop MUSICAL drama by KBS..
yeay, the story is very interesting.
i like it very very very much..
this are one of video that i like so much !
genie by t hem is totally awesome ..
this song are actually by SNSD..
their remake is totally good.. gosh ! i like it damn much la..

January 25, 2011

i love u, u love me back .

eheh, nak crita psal kisah cinta plak.. yeah, love , love, love.. tell me about love.. bla bla bla..
when i look at you my face gets red .
when i see you my heart goes thump thump .
i talk with shyness like a kid .
when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere.
like a fool I keep doing that .
I think love came to me .
see? there no reason for love you know ..
tapi , kat sini aku bukan la nak talk about love sgt, ye la..
semua org bole bercinta, akan bercinta dan strusnya lah.. suma akn ada kisah mereka tersndri..
same la ngn aku.. ade kisah cinta yg tersndri .. xkira la mcm mne pon org yg kite cinta.. but love is still love right? yea, love is everywhere.. cannot see or touch by our sense but we still can feel it , x weird kew? kan kan kan.. ?
tapi, btol kew bercinta sama umur nie xkan kekal ? even ade org kate , bercinta sama umur nie wasting.. sbb mmg pyah sgt nk kekal.. percntage dy pon rndah sgt nak bersama hngga ke akhir hyat.. tambah2 yg bercinta dari sekolah lagi.. org kata xkekal lansong.. cinta monyet semata je tue..
hey, what the h*** u wanna say ? u can't predict cm tue trus.. mmg ar, aku giler xpuas ati kot bila diorg kate cm tue.. mmg ayam tol ! nper aku sakit xpuas ati sgt ekk ? aduyai, sbb aku tergolong dlm group tue la..
this is some reason why love at same age pyah nak kekal..
  • 1st , sbb umur yg sama mnyebbkan lelaki or popmpuan tersebut akan ssah nk gain respect from partner dy.. this sbnarnye kat lelaki la.. sbb laki nie amat lah ego, yup.. EGO ! diorg nak kita RESPECT diorg la tmbah2 suami la.. tue la dlm islam pon dah kata, kita sbagai isteri wajib hormat suami bkn sbaliknye..
  • 2nd, xmatured dlm mmbuat kputusan.. nie mmg common la.. sbb still young, then u get marriage.. u can think it wisely, then, u just think bout yourself.. xpkir pasal partner.. yea, PENTINGKAN DIRI sndri.. nie xkira boy or girl.. sama je .. yup, when kita pntingkan dri gt.. ssah la weyh.. even ko nak bercinta pon ssah.. ko pkir dri ko jew.. bek ko xpyah ssah2 nak bercinta kan ? u know what, bercinta nie, kita mnyatukan dua hati mnjadi satu.. so, think it la.. nak terbaik kan dlm hbngn kita.. so, buang la ego sket.. yea, berkngsi pndapat tue xslah la.. kita sesama mnusia la.. u think and i also think..
  • next, SETIA.. yup.. sbut snang, buat ssah kot. tambah kapel jarak jauh.. amat ssah.. tp, carry on je la.. klu ko dah syg org tue.. xkan jadik masalah pnya la ko nak stia.. so, setia dan saling mmprcayai tue bnda yg relate la.. kita kena percaya dan sntiasa stia sbb di situ akan wjud kjujuran.. sbb jujur dlm satu rlationshp tue amat lah pnting dear.. mmg xdpt d nafikan lg la..
  • I LOVE U, xperlu ucap slalu.. but, once u say it, u have to mean it ok ? not just a lie ok ? sbb bagi lelaki kdg2 bnda nie leceh kot, aku syg ko, aku tnjukkan suda la. bg diorg xperlu la ucp stiap ari, bole lenguh mulut kot.. bg diorg bnda2 cm nie xpyah la show off sgt.. biar dlm ati je yg tahu kan ? yea, kita sbagai pompuan, xpyah la nk force sgt.. klu dy dh tnjk syg dy kat kita.. ape lg la kita nk ragukan , kan ?
  • minah or mmat yg mngade2 and mnja korg pnya couple ? alamal, tmbah2 anak mak .. aduyai, bole jdik maslh nie.. buit in my opinion, bnda nie xssah pon, klu dy ngade sgt.. just go with the flow.. but advise la sket.. jgn la tnjuk sgt mngade tue.. tkot org cop gedik je la.. anak mak ? haha~~ snng je.. twan je ati mak dy.. then ko twan anak mak.. sahih ko dpat kan ? haha~~
i love you darling.. give me light next to me whenever.. every night i look at you . and you’re beautiful even when i look at you . you’re my love light .
yes dear, i love u ..

January 7, 2011

45 lesson of life..

fact of our life !

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month. * if and only if u had it ok? xpyah lg bgos kan?

6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. *totally agree!

7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone..

8. just trust in GOD whatever happen.. there must be something had been arranged in future..

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck..

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.*totally agree !

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is


22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29 What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. Always believe GOD always love you..

35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young..

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come…

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

so, these is 45 thing about our life, u can think it, or leave it.. ok?

January 5, 2011

perempuan VS perempuan

lelaki menjadi rebutan ?
laki dah kurang sgt kot sbb tue pmpuan desperate dan byk gadoh sesama pompuan,
kes nyer ialah LELAKI . .
alahai, ade yg snggup BACK stab kwn kot !
aku jugak pernah dikatakan 'PERAMPAS', sedap pnya tittle.. geram ? MESTI lah, ko ingat aku tunggul ke xtw GERAM, MARAH..
minah2 (maaflah yea whai kaum ku) skrg nie, byk yg buta mata sbb laki..
snggup wat mcm2 demi lelaki, asalkan dpat BERSAMA dgn laki yg dy syngi,
*yg laki tue aku xtntu la syg ke x kat ko..
maaf la yea wahai LELAKI,
korg mmang mndapat smbutan hangat skrg,
tambh2 yg hot2, hensem, *xhensem pon org rebut jugak,
tapi wahai lelaki,
jgn la ko jugak BATU API, suka plak tgk pompuan gadoh !
kpada kaum HAWA sekalian, ini pesanan aku..
  • jodoh tue dah ditetapkan sjak azali lg, npe susah2 nak brebut? ALLAH SWT, dah ciptakan kita berpsngn.. still nak brebut? ok, go on je.. ingt something je, kita hidup jgn mnyusahkan org, xberkat.. hidup kita, biar senangkan jln org lain.. Insya Allah, Allah SWT akan mudahkan jln kita..
  • penting sgt ke lelaki dlm hidup korg ? *jwpan aku = yea.. penting sgt ! mmg la penting.. tapi kdg2 kita perlukan kwn, kwan dlm erti kata lain, org yg memahami kita. bkn mnJAHANAM kan kita ok? mmg la xkesah, kwn ko yue laki or pompuan, apa yg nak aku tegaskan.. kwn tue lagi pnting dari kekasih tw !
  • pompuan lebih mementingkan kekasih ! sila rujuk perkara di ats..
  • rasanye, kita xperlu lah back stab kwn just tok seorg lelaki yg xtentu lagi syg kat kita.. kata org wanita tue sensitif, hati mudah terluka.. jgn nnti, ko back stab kwn ko, dan lastly, org yg ko kejar pon xnak kat ko.. msti nyesal tahap lah !
  • pe2 pon, kita mnusia biasa, yg ALLAH ciptakan dgn sbbnye yg tersendiri.. percaya dgn takdir dan sntiasa redha, sbb ALLAH SWT, xkan duga hambaNya tanpa kemmpuan hambaNYA..
  • sygkan family korg dulu.. family korg yg besarkan korg, bkan LELAKI yg korg cintakan tue.. FAMILY FIRST ok
  • pompuan msti kuat ok ? jgn la bg alsan, KAMI NIE KAUM HAWA, LEMAH ! ishh, jgn la, geli kot ! usaha lah, berdikari ok?
buat kaum ADAM, ini pesanan aku..
  • lelaki pon bole than hebat kan klu mngutuk pompuan ? knyataan nie mmg xbole disngkalkan lg lah ! sudah2 lah kutuk pompuan, cmne rasanye klu org yg korg kutuk tue, korg anggp mak korg ?. siyes, korg akan mrh kan ? mmg lah tue dosa korg, kubur kite pon asing2.. tapi, aku nak ingatkan sbb kite ttap gak umat nabi MUHAMMAD SAW..
  • korg bole wat peDAJAL kat pompuan, tp cmne klu org lain wat cm tue kat family korg ? korg myb xpkir.. tapi.. aku nk korg byngkan jew.. xnak bygkan ? suda! aku xpakse pon ! tapi, ingat something ok ? ADAM diciptakan tok melindungi HAWA, sbb skuat mana pon seorg hawa, dy ttap xkan mmpu mlawan tenaga kaum adam, *itu fakta ok ?
  • hargai la wanita yg baik, jdikan mreka org yg baik.. kerana yg pasti syurga seorg wanita terletak pada suaminya.. maka, jadikan wanita-wanita kamu (isteri2 kamu) org yg baik.. Insya Allah terperlihara dunia akhirat !
  • Family first ! Rujuk di atas...
setakat nie aku mmbebel ! ape yg aku tulis nie hnya tok renungn , bkn mnyentuh snsitiviti mna2 lapisan msyarakat ok..
*tapi, sbnarnye aku amat mnyukai pershabatan lelaki, sbb mereka akan berhabisan demi kwn.. itu la yg terBAIK !

January 1, 2011


to everyone :
setiap kali tahun baru, msti ade azam baru, kan ? tapi perlu kew?
umur saya dah 19 tahun nie, *alamak tua nyer, so, xkan la tiap2 tahun nk wat azam baru kot?
yg nk sya tegaskan disini, terpulang lah kepada stiap individu, bgaimana nk hargai kdtngn tahun baru ini..
for me, NEW YEAR, new memory, hope and a lot of smiles !
to 2010, you left me with full of memory that i would not to forget them easily.
2010 give me more experience to be a tough person for future.
2010 was a year, i had totally down and full of depress..
i almost want to give up, but..
my family and friend never give up to give their support,
so, why i had to stop believe in myself, while they are not?
thanks for never stop believe in me !
thank you from me
*this song by 2PM (THANK YOU)
I didn’t know I was going to tell you like this No words were enough I couldn’t say anything I was so thankful I didn’t know what to do I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping So I thank you thank you thank you and I love you love you love you Because of the love you gave me, I’m standing here like this
and thanks to 2010 because you had give so much that i never had..
and now, 2011..
i was 19, i will never give up..
start believe in myself..
with new hope and lot of smile to get through with this life..
in this life, i had learned something in FOUR words..